Aerospace Concepts shines at INCOSE International Workshop 2014
Aerospace Concepts was a leading contributor to this year’s International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) International Workshop held over 25-28 January 2014 in Los Angeles. One of the major streams of the workshop was the Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) track, which Aerospace Concepts has extensive experience in applying to large-scale complex acquisition programs.
CEO Shaun Wilson led a breakout session on MBSE and Government, which identified the advantages, disadvantages and challenges of applying MBSE in the public sector, along with recent ‘good practice’ examples to show a pathway to wider adoption.
As part of the opening ceremony for the conference, the Model-Based Conceptual Design Working Group was recognised with an INCOSE Award for Sustained Performance. Along with our colleagues at the Defence Science and Technology Organisation, the University of South Australia and the Defence Systems Innovation Centre, Aerospace Concepts is thrilled to be recognised for its contributions to the working group which is co-chaired by our own Michael Waite. The award …
“…recognizes the group for annual Model‐Based Systems Engineering Symposia in Australia from 2011 to 2013, focusing on model-based concept engineering, and for the ongoing contributions to advancing ontology, the pain point survey, and model-centric acquisition.”
Sandy Friedenthal, MBSE Initiative Co-Chair said of the team
“Your efforts are much appreciated by the MBSE Community and the SE community at large for helping to advance the practices of MBSE in the particular area of focus related to model-based concept design.”
Aerospace Concepts looks forward to the next International Workshop in Los Angeles in early 2015.