INDO PACIFIC 2022 – Fast generation of highly representative 3D models of large maritime platforms

Indo Pacific 22 - Ben Mashford

Ben Mashford delivered a presentation at INDO PACIFIC 2022 titled ‘Fast generation of highly representative 3D models of large maritime platforms’.

His talk presented an overview of a technical project completed by the Shoal team into using Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle capture technology for generating an accurate 3D model of a naval platform.
This 3D model is then used to generate a Radar Cross Section (RCS) signature for that vessel. Having access to a reliable and up-to-date radar signature is a key advantage in the Electronic Warfare (EW) domain where survivability is the goal. A fast and inexpensive workflow for RCS analysis is necessary to support changes through platform life and during operations.

The proof of concept trial completed by Shoal involved a suite of leading edge technologies, including: UAV capture, photogrammetry, high performance compute, machine learning algorithms and image processing. Shoal intends to continue to mature the technology, leading to a capability for producing representative 3D models quickly. When used as input to RCS simulation, the resulting data improves awareness of the platform for tacticians, EW officers and others.