Meet the team at INCOSE 2021


The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) is designed to connect systems engineering professionals with educational, networking, and career-advancement opportunities in the interest of developing the global community of systems engineers and systems approaches to problems.

The 31st Annual INCOSE International Symposium is an opportunity for Systems Engineers across the globe to come together. This year’s theme of Accelerating through Adversity runs from 17-22 July 2021, hosted in Americas – New York (EDT) time zone: 08:00 – 17:00.

Set your alarm clocks, the team at Shoal are presenting four sessions throughout the annual symposium. The sessions will also be recorded for INCOSE members to watch at a later time.

Date Start time (AEST) Topic Session type 
21-Jul-21 2:00 AM Employing a Model Based Conceptual Design Approach to Design for Resilience Presentation
22-Jul-21 4.15 AM A Metrics Framework to Facilitate Integration of Disaggregated Software Development Presentation
22-Jul-21 2.30 AM Using Systems Thinking to Add Value in these Uncertain Times Interactive session
23-Jul-21 4.15 AM
Am i doing the right job and am i doing the job right

Thanks to our engineers participating as presenters and authors, Kevin Robinson, Stephen Cook, Ashok Samalam, and Jawah Bhalla.