Asset Management System Framework

For any organisation, asset management outcomes are largely determined by the effectiveness of the underlying management system – your Asset Management System (AMS). But the development and ongoing management of this system can be difficult.

As there is no ‘one system’ solution for your entire asset management needs, there is often a heavy reliance on spreadsheets, word documents and the knowledge of individuals. This makes achieving best-practice asset management is challenging, coupled with:

  • Limited resources
  • Diverse stakeholder expectations
  • Large volumes of data in various forms
  • Differing levels of information quality
  • Managing a complex network of staff, suppliers and service delivery organisations

To address these challenges, Shoal has developed an Asset Management System Framework (AMSF); a digital information model, aligned with ISO55001. Our AMSF uses systems thinking to define an organisation’s asset management environment – needs, objectives, influences, resourcing, maintenance, compliance and risks. It is focused on defining how asset management activities are conducted and contribute to achieving organisational objectives. The AMSF identifies and maps:

  • How activities are prioritised, planned and executed
  • How the organisation is setup to achieve this
  • How the result impacts the organisation.

The outcome is an information-centric model that optimises strategic and tactical asset management planning, resulting in better prioritisation of asset maintenance, with potential flow on benefits of lower whole-of-life asset management costs. These assets can then deliver an ongoing benefit to the activities, community or environments they serve.

Your challenges

Our solutions

Maintenance of multiple information sources across your Asset Management System We define and instantiate your AMS using a structured information model that contains and links all relevant information regarding the way you manage assets.
Developing Asset Management Plans from current, consistent information that is relevant to your operations. With Shoal’s AMSF, your Asset Management Plans are exported from the model to ensure that they are current, consistent and contain the right information you need to optimise the way you manage assets.
Understanding where data is best stored and accessed, to be ready and useful. We map out the flow of all information relevant to your AMS using Systems Engineering tools. We start by identifying the current state of your information and work with you to build a roadmap to better practice.
Drowning in risk management process and paperwork and struggling to understand the true risk of your operations. We design a fit-for-purpose integrated risk management system that allows you to integrate and view relevant risk assessment in one place. A key focus in our design is integrating risk assessments into everyday operations – this is the only way that the risk assessments can be relevant to your organisation.