An Information Management Framework and its Application for Managing a System Engineering Workforce

Jon Hallett presented ‘An Information Management Framework and its Application for Managing a System Engineering Workforce’ at the Systems Engineering Test & Evaluation (SETE) 2024 Conference in Melbourne today.
The paper, written by Derek Rogers and Jon Hallett, presented an information framework for managing and developing a system engineering workforce. The gathered information on the workforce can typically be used for strategic and tactical planning by the business.
Strategic workforce management covers the aggregate of people in the organisation whilst tactical workforce management is directly concerned with the individuals. Strategic workforce management makes decisions about the general areas to recruit, develop or subcontract to address the long-term capability needs for the positioning of the business. In contrast tactical workforce management makes decisions about who to allocate to projects or specific training courses, and supports considerations related to promotion.
To make these decisions in a repeatable and reliable manner, the paper proposes how to define processes and use authoritative information covering the knowledge, competencies, and skills of people.
Download the paper: An Information Management Framework and its Application for Managing a Systems Engineering Workforce
Download the presentation: Information Management – SE Workforce presentation
SETE 2024 is the premier conference for the systems engineering profession in Australia, run by the Systems Engineering Society of Australia (SESA), the Southern Cross Chapter of the International Test and Evaluation Association (ITEA) and, collaborative partner, Simulation Australasia (SimAust).
The Shoal Group team presented six papers at SETE 2024. The papers addressed topics aligning with Model-based Systems Engineering and its relationship to research and development, engineering workforce management, mission engineering, business strategy and digital engineering. They covered a mix of systems engineering applications across domains, with above and below the line papers relating to Defence, and Energy sectors.