Shoal welcomes participants to the INCOSE International Symposium 2017 in Adelaide

Shoal welcomes participants to the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) International Symposium being held in Adelaide from today until 20 July with the theme of unlocking innovation through systems engineering.
Shoal is proud to be supporting the event as a silver sponsor, as a major exhibitor, and as an active participant in event program. Our Chief Executive Officer, Shaun Wilson, will be the master of ceremonies and our Chief Engineer, Dr David Harvey, will moderate a panel on the use of model-based techniques in the conceptual design of complex transportation systems. Dr Harvey, engineering advisor, Professor Stephen Cook, and former Shoal staffer, Michael Kretzenbacher, now with the European Space Agency, are involved in a range of panels and paper presentations throughout the event.
We invite you to come see us at our exhibition booth (look for the blue Kombi Van), have a chat over some freshly made barista coffee, and network with the world systems engineering community.