Submission to the Select Committee on COVID-19


On 8 April 2020, the Senate established the Select Committee on COVID-19 to inquire into the Australian Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a service provider to defence, space, transport and infrastructure, Shoal responded to the inquiry to propose the establishment of a National Resilience Framework.

A National Resilience Framework could be used to understand and codify the complex inter-relationships between functional areas and activities, providing improved information for Government decision-making. A structured, codified ‘model-based’ framework would allow the capture and implementation of the factors affecting resilience, and the categorisation of their relationships and interactions. This then allows for structured analytical testing (contestability) and the addition and amendment to relationships and interactions as additional data and lessons become available, without the overhead and delay associated with unstructured document-based plans.

To read Shoal’s submission, click here.

To learn more about the Senate Select Committee on COVID-19, visit the Parliamentary Business website. Their final report is anticipated before June 2022.