International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences Congress 2012

The congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences was held in Brisbane, Australia over 23-28 September 2012 bringing together
world aeronautics experts and the international scientific aerospace community to discuss, understand and compare worldwide scientific and technological advances. Aerospace Concepts’ paper at this conference entitled Application of the Range Safety Template Toolkit to UAS Risk Hazard Analysis was presented the company’s Chief Engineer, Warren Williams.
The paper discussed how Aerospace Concepts and the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) have together developed and fielded a new capability for quantitative risk assessments for a wide range of aerospace vehicles, including Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS). The Range Safety Template Toolkit (RSTT) capability offers rapid generation of mission-specific safety templates which comply with international standards for range risk criteria, including casualty and damage estimates for mission operational planning and ground safety case analyses. The paper discussed the application of the RSTT to UAS flight safety analysis where risks to the public and ground infrastructure can be estimated as well as isks to other air traffic.