Model-Based Conceptual Design tutorial at INCOSE 2014

Four Aerospace Concepts team members had the opportunity to participate in the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) International Symposium 2014 in Las Vegas, NV this week. This is the fourth time Aerospace Concepts has participated in the International Symposium and with the largest contingent the company has sent to date.

Tommie Liddy and Dr Dave Harvey delivered a one-day tutorial on Architecting the Problem Space – Model-Based User Needs Analysis. The tutorial focused on the use of model-based techniques for use right at the start of the system lifecycle. Participants were from a range of public and private organisations. The tutorial was well received with active audience participation, feedback and suggestions.

Read their tutorial: Architecting the Problem Space – Model-Based User Needs Analysis

A significant event at the International Symposium was release of the INCOSE Vision 2025A World in Motion, a bold statement by INCOSE that articulates the state and future of the systems engineering profession. The vision characterises the global context for systems engineering, the current state of systems engineering and what the successful future state needs to be.

Aerospace Concepts looks forward to attending the next International Symposium which will be held in Seattle in July 2015.