New Masters-level Space Systems Design Course underway at ADFA
Aerospace Concepts pleased to deliver to the first of a new series of Masters-level Space Systems Design courses at UNSW@ADFA intended to increase the space skills in the Department of Defence and across industry. The pilot course was attended by eight students as an elective of the Master of Systems Engineering program and was delivered in week-long intensive mode over 1-5 July 2013.
An understanding of space systems is increasingly more important as applications from space, such as precision navigation, communications and earth observation, become increasingly interconnected in terrestrial complex systems. This course follows the Space Mission Engineering:
The New SMAD textbook and examines the design of space systems, including both ground and space segments. The subject matter covers astrodynamics, satellite subsystems, satellite propulsion, satellite attitude determination and control, aerospace structures and satellite integration with practical analysis and design activities to support the lecture material. It concludes by examining systems aspects of space applications, such as communications, navigation and remote sensing.
In delivering this course, Aerospace Concepts brings together a diverse range of subject matter experts each deep real-world experience in satellite design. Leading the course delivery is Mr John Carsten, Director of Space Systems at Schafer Corporation in the US. John previously held the position of Senior Program Manager of Aerospace Concepts prior to joining Schafer Corporation and we are pleased to have him back to deliver this course and grow the relationship with Schafer. Other guests lecturers include Roger Franzen, Technical Program Manager from Australian National University; Dr Matthew Tetlow, Systems Engineer from Aerospace Concepts & Gary Hale, Cybersecurity and Satellite Systems Leader of Cisco Systems.
The Space Systems Design course will be run twice per year, intensive Mode each July and in Distance Mode during second semester. Interested students are able to enroll in the course over July-October 2013 through UNSW.