Shoal at INCOSE IS 2016

The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) International Symposium (IS) is the world’s premier systems engineering event. The International Symposium is a four-day conference with panels, papers and presentations. Held in Edinburgh, Scotland this year, INCOSE IS 2016 had around 900 participants including 20 Australians, seven of whom were part of the Shoal team.
Shoal continued its strong technical participation at INCOSE IS with presentations by Professor Stephen Cook and Jon Hallet. These presentations, titled ‘Issues in Conceptual Design and MBSE Successes: Insights from the Model-Based Conceptual Design Surveys’ and ‘MB-PLE to Plan and Track Submarine Configurations’ respectively were well received and generated interesting conversation amongst the audience members. Shoal’s CEO, Shaun Wilson, gave an update to the transport working group on the ‘State of SE in Australia’, and in addition to this working group, Shoal had a presence in the automotive working group, the transportation roundtable and the systems-of-systems 101 tutorial.
Shoal was also represented by our US colleague Anne O’Neil who presented on ‘Selling Systems Engineering by Searching for the Sweet Spot’ and as a panellist on the ‘Making SE Happen in Your Organisation: The Learning Journey’ panel.
Shoal’s long-maintained contribution to Model-Based Capability Design practice in Australia was recognised by Kevin Robinson during his DST Group keynote address.
In anticipation for INCOSE IS next year in Adelaide, Shoal supported the INCOSE IS 2017 delegation by manning the booth, and talking to many of the conferences delegates. Shoal looks forward to supporting the 2017 INCOSE IS, and welcoming the international systems engineering community.